Christoph's Blog about Digital Stuff

Written by Christoph Grotz who uses this blog to document his learnings regarding new tech trends. You should follow him on Twitter.
He is also sharing his current view on the tech landscape as a tech radar.

Preparing the Bosch IoT Suite

August 25, 2020

I am going to use several features in the Bosch IoT Suite for facilitating the automatic distribution of the firmware build using GitHub Actions

Using RTOS tasks on ESP32 under Arduino

January 14, 2018

Today I got my first set of ESP 32 boards from AliExpress, and they are a beauty. If you don’t know the ESP32 yet, it’s the successor of the…

Getting Started with Ethereum

February 15, 2017

So, you want to get started with Ethereum? I found that when experimenting with blockchain as a developer it’s best, to setup your own…

Whenjs On Mozilla Rhino

June 12, 2013

Recently I stumpled up on when.js, a great way of doing concurrency in Javascript with a very easy syntax. For example, it allows a very…