Christoph's Blog about Digital Stuff

Whenjs On Mozilla Rhino

2013-06-12 10:13:00 +0200

Recently I stumpled up on when.js, a great way of doing concurrency in Javascript with a very easy syntax.

For example, it allows a very easy API for doing asynchronous operations:

var when = require("when.js");
function operation (message) {
      var deferred = when.defer();
      return deferred.promise;

operation('Hello World').then(
  function gotIt(img) {

So I decied to try when.js on Mozilla Rhino and share my findings with you. It was rather simple getting when.js to run on Rhino. All I had to do, was to implement a alternative for setTimeout. After I implemented the Rhino version I decided to also implement a version with dynjs.

In comparision I’m impressed by the cleaner API of dynjs and the usage of invokedynamic.

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